Rose Of Sharon

Rose Of Sharon
This rose represents Jesus, because He is our Rose of Sharon.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Faith's Checkbook (By: C.H. Spurgeon)

June 18, 2011

                                                                God Himself Shall Work

"Now I will rise," says the Lord; "Now I will be exalted, now I will lift Myself up."
                                                                                      ~ Isaiah 33:10

  "When the spoilers had made the land as waste as if devoured by locusts, and the warriors who had defended the country sat  down and wept, then the Lord came to the rescue. God is exalted in the midst of an afflicted people, for they seek His face and trust Him.
  Is it a day of sorrow with us? Let us expect to see the Lord gloried in our deliverance. Are we drawn out in  fervent prayer? Do we cry day and night unto Him? Then the time for His grace is near. God will lift up Himself at the right season. He will arise when it will be most for the display of His glory. We wish for His glory more than we long for our own deliverance. Let the Lord be exalted, and our chief desire is obtained.
  Lord, may we magnify You because You are a good and great God."
(By: Charles H. Spurgeon ~ One Minute Devotions)

1 comment:

  1. Arise O Lord, take care of Your soldiers here on earth for they have faught the spiritual and physical battle and now they are growing weak, and Satan sees that and is preying off of Your children, Your soldiers. Heal their wounds, and heal their spirits and soul man for it is wounded. Hear O Lord, the cries of Your children, for they are exhausted from this spiritual fight, give them rest and an abundance of Your sweet peace O Lord. This we pray in Christ Jesus' precious Name, Amen. Cover us with Your precious Blood O Lord, Hide us under Your wings from those who seek to harm us spiritually and physically this we pray in Christ Jesus' precious Name,Amen.
