Rose Of Sharon

Rose Of Sharon
This rose represents Jesus, because He is our Rose of Sharon.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Faith's Checkbook (By: C.H. Spurgeon)

May 17, 2011

                                                                             No Need to Stint

                            "The upright shall have good things in possession."
                                                                          ~ Proverbs 28:10

The greatest gift that God
gives us is His love for each
one of us. Sometimes it is
the way our children do
precious little things for
us that Gods love is in.
  "This is a remarkable promise. We are accustomed to think of our good things as in reversion, but here it says we shall have them in possession.
  All the malice and cunning of our enemies cannot work our destruction. Our inheritance is so entailed upon us that we shall not be kept out of it.
The possessions that God means
is the treasures that we store up
in heaven, not here on earth.
 When we store our possession
here on earth God tells us that
that is where our heart lies.
  But what have we now? We have the love of God set upon us. We have power with God in prayer in all time of need. We have the providence of God to watch over us, the angels of God to minister to us, and, above all, the Spirit of God to dwell in us. In fact, all things are ours. "Things present or things to come - all are yours" (1 Cor. 3:22). Jesus is ours. Hallelujah. Let us not pine and whine, since we have good things in possession. Let us rejoice in our God all the day."
(By: Charles H. Spurgeon ~ One Minute Devotions)


  1. Lord, I pray that I will not become malice and cunning like our enemies. My inheritence is not here on this earth, but on the new Jerusalem that you have for us when this world dies. My reward is with You and no one else. Help me to fight the good fight so that I maybe faithful and just to You. This I ask in the Lord Jesus Christ' precious name, Amen.

  2. Thank you Lord, forgiving me the most wonderful gift of all, my children. You gave me children when all the doctors said that I could never have any. You saw how grieved my heart was and blessed me with three beautiful children to take care of for You. And I promise You that I will try my best to bring them up right. I love You more than any words could ever say. My mom once told me that she loved me with the love of Christ. I didn't know what she ment by that until just the other day. To love someone with that much love, they are willing to lay their life down for you. Are you willing to lay your life down for someone you love? Ask yourself that. Could you do what Jesus did for us? I tried myself and I would have to say if it came donw to it, I would. The Love of God is the most wonderful gift that anyone could have. God bless and have a glorious day.
