Rose Of Sharon

Rose Of Sharon
This rose represents Jesus, because He is our Rose of Sharon.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Faith's Checkbook (By: C.H. Spurgen)

                                                  Go and Take Your Property

Look, the Lord your God has set the land before you; go up and posses it, as the Lord God of your fathers has spoken to you; do not fear or be discouraged.
                                                                                ~ Deuteronomy 1:21

  "There is a heritage of grace that we ought to be bold enough to win for our possession. All that one believer has gained is free to another. We may be strong in faith, fervent in love, and abundant in labor; there is nothing to prevent it. Let us go up and take possession. The sweetest experience and the brightest grace are as much for us as for any of our brethren. Jehovah has set it before us; no one can deny our right.
  The world also lies before us to be conquered for the Lord Jesus. We are not to leave any country or corner of it unsubdued. We have only to summon courage enough to go forward, and we shall win dark homes and hard hearts for Jesus. No spot is too benighted, no person so profane as to be beyond the power of grace. Cowardice, be gone! Faith marches to the conquest." (Charles H. Spurgeon ~ One Minute Devotions)

1 comment:

  1. My brothers and sisters of the faith, go into all the nations and fight for Jesus our Lord. Help bring souls to the Salvation of God. Remember if you need prayer for any reason, email me at, and I will pray for your situation for seven days straight, or as long as I need to. Love your sister in the faith.
