Rose Of Sharon

Rose Of Sharon
This rose represents Jesus, because He is our Rose of Sharon.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Faith's Checkbook (By: C.H. Spurgeon)

                                                                    The Mighty Magnet

"And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself."
                                                                                          ~ John 12:32

  "Come, be encouraged. You fear that you cannot draw a congregation. Try the preaching of a crucified and risen Savior, for this is the greatest "draw" ever yet manifested among men. What drew you to Christ but Christ? What draws you to Him now but His own blessed self? Jesus has held you and will hold you even to the end. Why, then, doubt His power to draw others?
  No sort of man is beyond His drawing power. Old and young, rich and poor, ignorant and learned, all men shall feel the attractive force. Jesus is the one magnet. Let us not think of any other. Jesus Himself must draw men to Himself, and Jesus is quite equal to the work in every case. As workers for the Lord, work in His own way and draw by Christ, for then Christ will draw by you." (By: Charles H. Spurgeon ~ One Minute Devotions)

1 comment:

  1. Lord, help me to be able to preach about Your death and about how You concorded it, and rose from the dead to sit at the right hand of our heavenly Father, God Jehovah.Help me and the congregation to be able to preach to the nations about how You performed miracles, like raising the dead, healing the sick, making those who were blind see again, making those who could not walk, walk again.And those who could not speak, to be able to speak. Thank You Lord, for the blessings that You have given to Your Vessels to be able to do the things that You have called us to do, which could not be humanly possible to be able to do on our own. Thank You Lord Jesus, for keeping us safe from the enemy, that waits in the dark waiting to pounce on us and take us out. I pray that any pit or trap that the enemy has set for us that they will be caught in their own traps and that they will fall into their own pits that they have set for Your children. This I pray in Christ Jesus Precious Name, Amen!
