Rose Of Sharon

Rose Of Sharon
This rose represents Jesus, because He is our Rose of Sharon.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Faith's Checkbook (By: C.H. Spurgeon)

                                              Mountains Turned to Plains

Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of "Grace, grace to it!"
                                                                                       ~ Zechariah 4:7

  "At this hour a mountain of difficulty or distress may be in our way, and natural reason sees no path over it, through it, or around it. Let faith come in, and straightaway the mountain becomes a plain. But faith must first hear the word of the Lord, "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit" (Zech. 4:6).
  This grand truth is necessary for meeting the insurmountable trials of life. I see that I can do nothing, and that all reliance on man is vanity. "Not by might." God alone must work. If the Almighty God takes up the concerns of His people, then great mountains are nothing. he can remove worlds as boys toss balls about. This power He can lend to me. If the Lord bids me move an Alp, I can do it through His name. What can I be afraid of with God on my side?" (By: Charles H. Spurgeon ~ One Minute Devotions)


  1. Please pray this prayer with me this morning. Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.Forgive us from all of our sins, our debts, and our trespasses against You and man, as we forgive those who are indebted to us, and those who have trespassed against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil:For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Honor, and the Glory,forever. It is in Christ Jesus' Precious Name, Amen!

  2. Lord, I pray that You will bless this day, for we have alot to be thankful for. We thank You Heavenly Father for giving Your only begotten so that me may have eternal life in You. We thank You Father for giving us a second chance in life to be able to turn our lives around, and to do good. This we pray in Christ Jesus' Precious Name, Amen!

  3. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May this day be blessed by the good Lord.
