Rose Of Sharon

Rose Of Sharon
This rose represents Jesus, because He is our Rose of Sharon.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Faith's Checkbook (By: C.H. Spurgen)

                                                        An Appeal For Deliverance

"Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall  glorify
                                                                                     ~ Psalm 50:15

  "This is a promise indeed! Here is an urgent occasion: "the day of trouble." It is dark at noon on such a day, and every hour seems blacker than the one that came before it.
  Here is advice: "Call upon Me." This should be our constant habit all day and everyday. The Lord invites us to lay our case before Him, and surely we will not hesitate to do so.
  Here is reassuring encouragement: "I will deliver you," Whatever the trouble may be, the Lord makes no execptions, but promises full deliverance. We believe it, and the Lord honors faith.
  Here is an ultimate result: "You will glorify Me." When He has delivered us, we will loudly praise Him; and as He is sure to do it, let us begin to glorify Him at once." (Charles H. Spurgeon ~ One Minute Devotions)

1 comment:

  1. God say that if you have faith even as lttle as a mustard seed, can work on your behalf. See some people start to pray for something they need or want with faith believing that God's going to deliver, then Satan rears his ugly head up and puts thoughts of doubt in our minds, which causes our pray faith to weaken, and sometimes disappear altogether. When Satan rears his ugly head and you start to feel confused about something, you tell that coniving devil to flee from you at once. You tell him that he has no power over you. Make Satan be the tail, and you be the head for once. Peace be with you my sister's and brother's of the faith,and to all those who do not know God personally, I pray that God's love will pour out over your heads. I pray that God's total Salvation will reach the hearts of everyone who has not received Him yet into their heats. A`men! Glory be to God in the highest. Don't forget if you need prayer for any reason at all, please email me your prayer requests at A group of us will be praying for your situation. Thank you, and God be with you.
