Rose Of Sharon

Rose Of Sharon
This rose represents Jesus, because He is our Rose of Sharon.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Faith's Checkbook (By: C.H. Spurgen)

                                       Promise Of Future Meeting

                        "I will see you again and your heart will rejoice."
                                                                                   ~ John 16:22

  "Surely God will come a second time. Oh for that joyous return!
 Our gracious Lord has many "agains" in His dealings with us. He gave us pardon and still, again and again He forgives us. When our faith grows a little dim, He comes to us again and again saying, "Peace be unto you."
 All our past mercies are tokens of future mercies. If Jesus has been with us, He will see us again. Look upon no former favor as dead and buried, but regard it as a seed sown, which will grow and push its head up from the dust, and cry, "I will see you again."
 Are times dark because Jesus is not with us as He used to be? Let us pluck up courage, for He will not be long away. Let us be joyous, since He says to us even now, "I will see you again.""(By: Charles H. Spurgeon ~ One Minute Devotions)


  1. I love this passage, because it is so full of promise. A promise that Jesus will walk with us again, soon some day. I pray everyday that my heart will be in the right place when He returns for us. I pray that everyones heart will be in the right place too. God bless everyone with God's total Salvation. A`men.

  2. If any one needs prayer for any reason, you can email me at I will be checking it daily, and I will be praying for anyone who needs prayer.
