Rose Of Sharon

Rose Of Sharon
This rose represents Jesus, because He is our Rose of Sharon.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Faith's Checkbook (By: C.H. Spurgeon)

December 23, 2010
                                            Precious Things

Of Joseph he said: "Blessed of the Lord is his land, with the precious things of heaven, with the dew, and the deep lying beneath."
                                                                              ~ Deuteronomy 33:13

  "Oh, for "the precious things of heaven"! Power with God, and the manifestation of power from God, is most precious. We would enjoy the peace of God, the joy of the Lord, the glory of our God. The benediction of the three divine Persons in love and grace and fellowship, we prize beyond the finest gold. The things of earth are as nothing in preciousness compared with the things of heaven.
  "The dew." What refreshing, what growth, what perfume, what life there is in us when the dew is about! Above all things, as plants of the Lord's, we need the dew of His Holy Spirit.
  "The deep lying beneath." Surely this refers to that unseen ocean underground which supplies all the fresh springs which make glad the earth. Oh to tap the eternal fountains! This is an unspeakable blessing; let no believer rest till he possesses it." (By: Charles H. Spurgeon ~ One Minute Devotions)

1 comment:

  1. Please pray this prayer with me this morning. Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us of all our sins, our debts, and our trespasses against You and man, as we forgive those who are indebted to us, and those who have trespassed against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil:for Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Honor, and the Glory, forever. It is in Christ Jesus' Precious Name, Amen!
