Rose Of Sharon

Rose Of Sharon
This rose represents Jesus, because He is our Rose of Sharon.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Faith's Checkbook (By: C.H. Spurgeon)

February 12, 2011
                                               God Delights to Give

  The Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: "Lift your eyes now and look from the place where your are - northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever."
                                                   ~ Genesis 13:14-15

  "A special blessing for a memorable occasion. Abram settled a family dispute, saying, "Let there be no strife between you and me, for we are brethren," and hence he received the blessing which belongs to peacemakers. The Lord and giver of peace delights to manifest His grace to those who seek peace and pursue it. If we desire closer communion with God, we must keep closer to the ways of peace.
  Abram behaved very generously to his kinsman, giving him his choice of the land. If we deny ourselves for peace's sake, the Lord will more than make it up to us. All things are ours. When we please the Lord, He makes us to look everywhere and see all things our own, whether things present, or things to come. All are ours, and we are Christ's, and Christ is God's."
(By:Charles H. Spurgeon ~ One Minute Devotions)

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