Rose Of Sharon

Rose Of Sharon
This rose represents Jesus, because He is our Rose of Sharon.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Faith's Checkbook (By: C.H. Spurgeon)

January 20, 2012

The Overcomer

"To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God."
~ Revelations 2:7 

The Tree of Life
     "No man may turn his back in the day of battle. We must fight if we would reign, and we must carry on the warfare till we overcome every enemy. We are to overcome the false prophets who have come into the world and the evils that accompany their teaching. We are to overcome our own faintness of heart and tendency to decline from out first love.
The Kingdom of God
     If by grace we win the day, as we shall if we follow our conquering Leader, then we shall be admitted to the very center of the paradise of God, and shall be permitted to pass by the cherub and his flaming sword, and come to that guarded tree, whereof if a man eat, he shall live forever. Pluck up courage! To flee the conflict will be to lose the joys of the new, better Eden; to fight unto victory is to walk with God in paradise."
(By: Charles H. Spurgeon ~ One Minute Devotions)

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