Rose Of Sharon

Rose Of Sharon
This rose represents Jesus, because He is our Rose of Sharon.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Faith's Checkbook (By: C.H. Spurgeon)

                                         Follow to Know

                 Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord.
                                                                              ~ Hosea 6:3

  "Not all at once, but by degrees shall we attain to holy knowledge, little by little. We need not despair, though our progress may be slow, for the Lord will not give us up, however slow of understanding we may be. The Lord delights to make the simple wise.
  To know the Triune God, this is life eternal: let us keep to this, for then we shall gain complete instruction. By following on to know the Lord, we learn healing after being torn, and life after death. Experience has its perfect work when the heart follows the trackway of the Lord.
  My soul, keep close to Jesus, follow on to know Him, and so you will come to the knowledge of Christ, which is the most excellent of all the sciences. The Holy Ghost will lead you into all truth. Is not this His gracious office? Rely upon Him to fulfill it.


1 comment:

  1. I have found that it is a real treat, a real delight to have the presence of the Holy Ghost in the room with me.If you let Him, He will give you the gift of life. You will be able to heal the sick just by laying your hands on them and praying for them. You will be able to move mountains out of the way. I have experienced some of these things, I wasn't a believer at first until I saw my husbands curled and mangled toes grow striaght, after being curled for so long and was in pain all the time, he said,"that the pain was gone." This is the power of the Lord. If you just believe, even size of a tiny mustard seed, anything is possible.
