Rose Of Sharon

Rose Of Sharon
This rose represents Jesus, because He is our Rose of Sharon.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Faith's Checkbook (By: C.H. Spurgen)

                              Solace, Security, Satisfaction

Although my house is not so with God, yet He has made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and secure. For this is all my salvation and all my desire; will He not make it increase?
                                                                           ~ 2 Samuel 23:5

  "These are David's words, but they may be mine today. Here is a sigh: things are not with me as I could wish; there are trials, cares, and sins. These make the pillow hard.
  Here is a solace, "He has made with me an everlasting covenant." Jehovah has pledged Himself to me and sealed the compact with the blood of Jesus. I am bound to my God, and my God to me.
  This brings into prominence a security, since this covenant is everlasting and sure. There is nothing to fear from the lapse of time, or the natural uncertainty of things.
  David feels satisfaction: he wants no more for salvation; he is delivered, and he is delighted. The covenant is all a man can desire.
  Turn this day to the Lord Jesus, whom the great Lord has given to be a covenant to the people." (By: Charles H. Spurgeon ~ One Minute Devotions)

1 comment:

  1. Lord, Thank You for having covenant with me and my family of the faith. My prayer today is giving You thanksgiving offerings.Thank You for my new life, soon I will be able to carry out the life that you have given to me in the first place. I want to also Thank You for lending me these three beautiful children, even though one acts like his father, who was born from the father of lies, but I will always charish what You have given me, its called life and for that I am ver greatful to You.I knew that the day I servived the truck accident when I was four years old, I knew You had a purpose for my life. Thank You Lord Jesus for standing in the gap for me and my family. I love You Lord, God Jehovah!
