Rose Of Sharon

Rose Of Sharon
This rose represents Jesus, because He is our Rose of Sharon.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Faith's Checkbook (By: C.H. Spurgen)

                                He of Tender Conscience

                        "I will judge between sheep and sheep."
                                                                               ~ Ezekiel 34:22
  "Some are fat and flourishing, and therefore they are unkind to the feeble. This is a grievous sin and causes much sorrow. The Lord takes note of their proud and unkind deeds, and He is greatly angered by them, for He loves the weak.
  Is the reader one of the despised? Is he a mourner in Zion and a marked man because of his tender conscience? Is he judged harshly by others? Let him not resent their conduct; above all let him not push and thrust in return. Let him leave the matter in the Lord's hands. He is the Judge. Why should we wish to intrude upon His office? He will decide much more righteously than we can. His time for judgment is the best, and we need not be in a hurry to hasten it on.
  Patience, my soul! Patience! The Lord knows your grief. Your Jesus has pity upon you!" (By: Charles H. Spurgeon ~ One Minute Devotions)


  1. Judge- to decide if something is good or bad; to condemn.
    Judgment- 1. a decision or opinion; 2. a decision of or innocence made by a judge in a court of law; punishment decided on by a court; 3. a decision from God, especially the final judgment when God will reward those who believe in Him and condemn all others to hell.
    I believe that we should leave the judging up to God, because we all are not perfect, because a one time or another we have done something similar to someone else probably not even realizing that we did that to someone. We can do things that we are consciencely unaware of. So don't beat yourself up or someone else over this situation that you are in, give it up to the Lord, because the Lord knows our hearts, He knows what we are thinking before we even think it. So let Him be the Judge over all things.

  2. I give all the thanks to God, because if it were not for Him I would not even be here today. For many years ago, He saved my life along with the rest of my family when we should have died. So yeah, I give God all the thanks and glory. Amen, hallelujah!
